- [Organising]: Somewhere close to home. The Manila ACM SIGCHI Chapter is co organising its first research event entitled Transforming HCI Research in the Philippines which will be part of the Philippine Computing Science Congress 2024. View the Call for Papers. 20 Mar 2024.
- [Organising]: We are co-organising IMI: Intelligent Music Interfaces 2024 Workshop. You can view the call for papers in the website - due 15 March 2024.
- [Paper]: Our short paper entitled Teach Me How to ImproVISe: Co-Designing an Augmented Piano Training System for Improvisation will be presented as part of HCI SI 2023 will be published in its proceedings. This is part of my PhD research. (25 Jan 2024). In addition, another full paper entitled Retzzles: Do Jigsaw Puzzle Actions on Interactive Display Maps Increase Retention of Map Information? will also be presented in the same venue and published in the smae proceedings.
- [Organising]: I have been re-appointed as Carry-over Chair for Global Inclusion and Equity for CHI 2024. (01 April 2023)
- [Attending]: Will be attending CHI 2023! Will be organising the CHI Global Plaza 2023 Edition and will be Chair for the Technology-Powered Learning Session. See you there! (April 22 to 29 2023)
- [Organising]: We are co-organising IMI: Intelligent Music Interfaces 2023 Workshop. You can view the call for papers in the website - due 16 Feb 2023.
- [Attending] [Paper]: HICUP Lab recently attended the 7th HCI SI Conference. Our papers entitled pARt Blocks: programming with physical tangible blocks and AR and GazeHD: Towards Measuring Effect of Depth of Field Controlled by Eye Tracking in 3D environments were presented and will be published in the conference proceedings. (29 Nov 2022)
- [Award]: Our paper entitled A Survey of Augmented Piano Prototypes: Has Augmentation Improved Learning Experiences? was given the Honorable Mention Paper Award in the recent the ACM ISS 2022. I would like to thank again my mentors Sven, Klen and Matjaž. (23 Nov 2022)
- [Attending]: I will be attending the ACM ISS 2022 virtually where I will be presenting a doctoral symposium paper and a PACMHCI paper. (19-24 Nov 2022)
- [Paper]: Our short paper entitled Retzzles: Engaging Users Towards Retention Through Touchscreen Puzzles has been accepted in the ISS 2022 Poster Track and will be published in its Adjunct Proceedings. This was a poster authored by Nikola Kovačević that I co-mentored with Maheshya Weerasinghe. (11 Oct 2022)
- [Travel]: I will be attending the 9th Heidelberg Laureate Forum as a Young Researcher. (29 Aug 2022)
- [Organising]: I have been appointed as Co-Chair for Global Inclusion and Equity for CHI 2023. I am humbled and honored of this opportunity to help the community. (12 July 2022)
- [Travel]: Concluded my research visit in the Magic Lab where we worked on a project on human-drone interaction. Hope to share some results soon! Now, I’m back in Slovenia to continue my PhD. (26 June 2022)
- [Paper]: Our full paper entitled A Survey of Augmented Piano Prototypes: Has Augmentation Improved Learning Experiences? has been accepted in the ISS 2022 and will be published in the Proceedings of ACM HCI PACMHCI. I thank my mentors Sven, Klen and Matjaž. (09 June 2022)
- [Paper]: Our poster paper entitled pARt Blocks: Programming in AR with tangible blocks has been accepted for presentation in the 9th ACM Celebration of Women in Computing (womENcourage). This was a poster authored by Karolina Trajkovska that I co-mentored with Maheshya Weerasinghe. (29 May 2022)
- [Travel]: Was at CHI 2022! Met a lot of wonderful and awesome people! (26 April to 08 May 2022)
- [Paper]: Our position paper entitled The Vision of a Human-Centered Piano has been accepted in the CHI 2022 Workshop: Intelligent Music Interfaces. (15 March 2022)
- [Travel]: On March 2022, I will be a visiting student researcher at BGU-Negev, Israel working with Asst. Prof. Jessica Cauchard.
- [Talks]: Delivered a machine learning talk and workshop with Nuwan T Attygalle for the Google Developer Student Club Primorska (Dec 2021).
- [Talks]: Delivered a UX talk for the Google Developer Student Club Primorska (Nov 2021).
- [Paper]: Published a paper entitled: Explore, Edit, Guess: Understanding Novice Programmers’ Use of CodeBlocks for Regression Experiments. in the HCI SI Slovenia conference.
- [Organising]: HICUP Lab is co organising Human-Computer Interaction Slovenia (HCI SI) Conference this year. I will be serving as Local Organiser chair of the conference.
- [Paper]: My improved research statement has been accepted as part of the Doctoral Consortium track of ACM International Conference on Mobile Human-Computer Interaction (MobileHCI 2021). serving as Local Organiser chair of the conference.